by Matt Haughey on Jul 18 An iPhone lesson I wish I hadn't learned today If you leave your iPhone on vibrate 90% of the time like I do and you use the iPhone as #apple Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jul 17 1st gen iPhone battery life issues: it's the apps? I've had my original iPhone for over a year now, and I've had a pretty stable #apple Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jul 15 By listening to this you acknowledge you are: Brian Davidson I've been getting some annoying robot phonecalls recently on a daily basis. They always give me menu options #audio #law #music Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jul 07 Bizjam Seattle I'm going to be speaking at Bizjam Seattle this Wednesday afternoon about my high road approach to blogging #conferences #me me me #speaking Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jul 01 June cycling/diet update Cycling is going really well since the weather is nice. I rode 398 miles (just shy of my target 400-500 #me me me Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jul 01 Previous/Next and Back/Next pagination links considered harmful One last UI nitpick I've been meaning to write down for ages, and it goes like this: 1. #Uncategorized Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jun 30 My cousin's wedding hack .flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #666; } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 10px; margin-top: 0px;color:#999; } Putting rings on, #clever #flickr Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jun 30 This is broken too: Threadless shopping cart logins Threadless is my favorite place to buy t-shirts, period (this includes any offline stores). I've bought dozens and #bug reports #shopping #web development Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jun 25 This is also broken: Hilton Hotels login Continuing on with the "Flash ads should never obscure content or functionality on a website" theme, today I #Uncategorized Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jun 19 Someone wants me to install adblock Recording of me trying to follow a link in a Salon article today. Somehow I wish there was a code #advertising #user interfaces #video Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jun 11 Eleven After upgrading my first mac (powerbook) to another powerbook, then to an iMac and finally to a Mac Pro, I #foofery #osx #web development Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jun 04 Ranty McRantsalot on: Tracking numbers I buy a lot of stuff online, so I get a lot of emails alerting me that my items have #Uncategorized Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jun 02 My Trek Lime city bike Introducing my massaged Trek Lime. It went from this: to this: (full photo set) Using extra parts from old bikes #Uncategorized Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jun 02 May Cycling/diet update May was a good month for biking. The weather improved to the point where I could ride pretty much any #cycling #me me me Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on May 28 My Etsy picks Last month I was lucky enough to meet Bre from Etsy at ROFLcon and I told him how much I& #me me me #shopping Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on May 10 Dear PR people: How to Pitch Bloggers In the wake of my previous post and Gina's PR blacklist that sprang from it, it seems like #advertising #weblogs Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on May 08 Stop asking, start filtering I know it's a cliché as a blogger to complain about public relations flacks sending you giant PDFs #advertising #weblogs Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on May 01 GEL recap Last week, I attended my third GEL conference in New York City. Like previous versions of this conference, it' #conferences #nyc Continue Reading