August cycling/diet update

mile 80

In August I hit two major goals I set for myself on January 1st of this year, and they were two goals I didn't think I'd achieve. I surpassed 2,000 miles ridden and I did it just before completing my first century (100 mile) ride. Up until this year, I've always ridden about 600-800 miles between May and October and this year I pushed myself to ride all the way through Winter. I'm guessing I'll be hitting about 3,500-4,000 miles for the year by the end.

The century went really well and didn't feel like a 7 hour day in the saddle even though it was. The first 80 miles were pretty easy and a blast, but riding into a headwind the last 20 was kind of exhausting and I was glad to be finished at the end of the day. I also did the century ride to prepare myself for Cycle Oregon, which kicks off in less than a week. I knew even the worst day at Cycle Oregon (a 77 mile day with about 7,000' of climbing) would be a bit less distance then the century (and the Portland Century featured about 5400' of climbing) so if I could do the century, I should be ok for Cycle Oregon week.

On the diet front, I'm still down around the same weight as last month. Kind of frustrating that I haven't really budged in several months, but overall I'm about 12lbs lighter than I was at the beginning of the year and I haven't yo-yo'd back up, keeping fairly steady for the past few months. I'm hoping a hard week of riding at Cycle Oregon will kick off another five pound loss, though it sounds like they will be feeding us like crazy at every meal.