* more against openID (tecznotes)I pretty much have OpenID working for MetaFilter, but I fear a rogue server setup by
/ Mar 2007
Quote from the Hodge that I just found while ego searching...
look it up
-- Books: The Areas of My Expertise - washingtonpost.com
It's good to know I&
/ Mar 2007
links for 2007-03-07
* Confessions of an Empty-Nester - Zillow BlogGreat story of selling the huge house and leaving the burbs, moving downtown and
/ Mar 2007
links for 2007-03-04
* Video Snickers: Stop and GoLooks cool, but the message is: nothing makes me hungrier for a Snickers bar than beating
/ Mar 2007
links for 2007-03-03
* TUAW How To: Use your iTunes library over AirPort Disk - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)Nice reference if I
/ Mar 2007
links for 2007-03-02
* FastTV on fastcompany.comLatest multitouch video, now using a wall-sized screen(tags: computing tech visualization)
/ Feb 2007
links for 2007-03-01
* Magnetosphere :: Audio by TrentemollerAwesome little Processing visualization. This should be a music video/movie intro(tags: animation processing video music)
/ Feb 2007
Apple Rumor: Multitouch Everywhere!
I'm pointing to SBJ's post about multitouch Apple rumors because I really want this to be
/ Feb 2007
links for 2007-02-27
* YouTube - Jonathan Coulton in SeattleDude records entire JoCo show from Saturday, puts it on youtube. I missed the Portland
/ Feb 2007
What the hell, old school bloggers?
On some random blog, I found a link to this book "Founders at Work", a book interviewing the