by mathowie on Dec 19 Google Docs gripe (I posted this on Mastodon but I might as well share here in the off chance any Googlers still read #google #wishlist #youtube Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Aug 09 Google Doc sharing has been broken for three years on iOS I use Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets extensively at work. I love the tools and not having to track files #bug reports #google #Uncategorized Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jun 14 Gmail's Organized Inbox is a life changer Last month, Google's Gmail team introduced a new auto-organized inbox feature to little fanfare among my friends. I #google Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Mar 15 Thoughts surrounding Google Reader's demise First off, I'm sad to see Google Reader is closing up soon (why so soon when other Google #google #web development #webapps Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jul 01 Google's new design swagger I can't help but notice over the last few days how great Google's suite of apps #google Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jun 21 Why there is a Save button on Gmail's compose new email screen on the iPad I figured out why there is a giant "Save" button on the new mail screens of Gmail on #apple #google Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Mar 10 Google Maps adds a cycling layer I'm really happy to hear Google launched their support of bikes in their Maps app today. There was #culture #cycling #google Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on May 19 To a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail Google Searches for Staffing Answers, from the WSJ: The Internet search giant recently began crunching data from employee reviews and #google Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Oct 09 The Benefits of Hindsight Like the original iPod thread at macrumors, I love reading last year's announcement of YouTube getting funded. Post #google #internet #youtube Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Oct 08 Google buys YouTube for $1.65 billion Holy crap, the rumors were true: Google buys YouTube for $1.65 billion I'm really happy about this #google #internet #News Continue Reading