2011 / Jul 2011 Things that suck about a cast - You probably remember a kid in your second grade class falling off the monkey bars right before school let
2011 / Jul 2011 Weird ringtones I've noticed over the past few months at least three instances of someone's phone going off
2011 / Jul 2011 Google's new design swagger I can't help but notice over the last few days how great Google's suite of apps
2011 / Jun 2011 Yamhill County Jury Duty I've been doing jury duty this month and so far I've been called in three times,
2011 / Jun 2011 Baby's first license agreement A couple days ago while surfing the Family and Kids section of Netflix instant, I found a show I knew
2011 / May 2011 Kevin Bacon Number II: The Wire Index I've noticed many of the films and shows I've enjoyed over the past few years have
2011 / May 2011 LOL Local Newspapers One rather charming fellow, whose accent bespoke British through and through, said he had come to cover the festival for
2011 / May 2011 Nanolaw with Daughter (Ftrain.com) Watching the video I thought that it was wise of Major League Baseball to combine this sort of sentimental moment
2011 / May 2011 The Banality of Evildoers Though it was initially called a mansion, Osama Bin Laden’s safe house décor might better be described as Meth
2011 / May 2011 Meta-Who? Treme, the HBO show by David Simon (of The Wire fame) is a show set in post-Katrina New Orleans and
2011 / May 2011 Kickstarter tips from a fan of crowd-funding I've been a huge fan of Kickstarter since they launched just two years ago. My friend Andy was
2011 / Apr 2011 Sometimes you're old Every time the singer turned the mic towards the crowd, everyone but me shouted lyrics in unison. They were at
2011 / Apr 2011 Ev's assholishness is greatly exaggerated There's been a bunch of stories lately about Ev Williams, co-founder of Blogger and Twitter upon the occasion
2011 / Apr 2011 Thank Bill Cosby for today's comedy boom [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v04dnOKUSyA?hd=1] I have this crazy idea. Back in 1985, my family
2011 / Apr 2011 Three phone tips for antisocial people like me that hate phones In no particular order: 1. A friend recently got a new phone & number on Verizon, and neglected to set
2011 / Apr 2011 Scarring Party west coast tour Over on MetaFilter Music, I've fallen for a band doing sort of old timey pirate shanty stuff called
2011 / Apr 2011 marble steps are pretty slippery via www.flickr.com I didn't post this for the laughs, it's just kind of an
2011 / Mar 2011 Our lives are spent trying to pixellate a fractal planet. via b.aking.ca The futility of the entire human condition, summed up in a single photo and caption