by Matt Haughey on Jun 07 star wars figure, forgotten (star wars figure, forgotten, originally uploaded by Box and Arrow) You never know what washes up on shore #flickr Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jun 07 links for 2005-06-08 * Wonderful GraffitiSimple vinyl lettering for walls. Just what I need to get a big quote up in my office.(tags: #Uncategorized Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jun 06 links for 2005-06-07 * rebecca's pocket :: US income distribution: 1980-1999Oh to be in that 1%(tags: classism money taxes income middleclass) * erinch. #Uncategorized Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jun 06 One thing the internet got right In reading about the copyright insanity of Wal-Mart and Ofoto, I'm reminded of how much better the copyright #law Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jun 05 Say it ain't so doc! (Say it ain't so doc!, originally uploaded by mathowie) Filed under: reasons why doctor-patient communication should never be #flickr Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jun 05 Dear Apple... Now that you'll be running Apple hardware on x86 chips, please use this change to bring down the #gadgets Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jun 03 links for 2005-06-04 * SpeedMap.gif (GIF Image, 410x418 pixels)realtime Portland Metro freeway speed map(tags: maps pdx traffic utilities) #Uncategorized Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jun 02 links for 2005-06-03 * Billboard Liberation Front Creative Group: May 30th SF McDonalds billboardTo Serve Man. heh.(tags: blf mcdonalds fastfood culturejamming) * Sitemap ProtocolGoogle #Uncategorized Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jun 02 eBay my ride It's not entirely surprising to see cars from the show Pimp My Ride being sold on eBay for #tv Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jun 01 Spellbound Woot! The national spelling bee finals started today and they end tomorrow with a four hours of it broadcast on #tv Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Jun 01 links for 2005-06-02 * Oddjackgawker goes all in(tags: gambling blogs) * First Muslim women conquer Mount Everest | csmonitor.comYay for Iranian women (though it& #Uncategorized Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on May 31 links for 2005-06-01 * - iRobot co-founder comes clean - May 30, 2005someone please build to note the ethical dilemmas #Uncategorized Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on May 30 I'll miss you, OBJ RIP: OBJ He was my favorite jazz performer. I've seen lots of the greats before they died but #music Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on May 30 Lifehacking For some crazy reason, I (along with K-Rob) will be trying to fill Gina's doc martens over at #weblogs Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on May 30 links for 2005-05-31 * Slot Canyons of the American Southwest - Paria River and its tributariesSeven years ago I hiked this canyon system -- #Uncategorized Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on May 30 Sweet T The one shirt I've always wanted is finally reprinted and up for sale. Double-bonus is that the ten #products Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on May 28 links for 2005-05-29 * MoCo Loco: Site InterruptedHostway bumps MoCo Loco offline for a spamming complaint they couldn't possibly have done. Odd. #Uncategorized Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on May 27 links for 2005-05-28 * plesmn npleskalearning to write, phonetically(tags: baby learning mind) * add google maps directions to your site - malevolent design weblogsimple. #Uncategorized Continue Reading