Latest Posts
Not exactly a surprise on Supreme Court nom Roberts:
Yet those who know Roberts say he, unlike Souter, is a reliable conservative
Don't call it a revolution
A few weeks ago I read through all of Business Week's design innovations for 2005 and kept track
links for 2005-07-17
* Nissan Airstream BaseCamp Trailer | UncrateLooks like a horse trailer from the future(tags: airstream design cars)
links for 2005-07-16
* BBC NEWS | Technology | Time to switch off and slow downI'm reading this article at a conference, during a
links for 2005-07-15
* Bring Back the CouchI almost registered on Tuesday, but I'm glad to see someone's
Tomorrow morning I'll be speaking at WebVisions 2005 about convergence and digital devices -- all the cool ways
links for 2005-07-14
* Aisle of Averages - a photoset on FlickrAwesome and simple: long exposures of supermarket aisles.(tags: photos marketing photography art)
links for 2005-07-13
* Enron Blog going darkKen Lay still walks the streets and the folks at Enronblog gave up. I would have thought
Is anyone else freaked out by The Daily Show' s new studio set?
Slate has a perfect piece: Is anyone else freaked out by The Daily Show' s new studio set?
links for 2005-07-11
* Jon’s Thoughts On Everything » Blog Archive » Introducing Flickr For Your Xbox Media CenterWorks nicely on my xbox.
links for 2005-07-10
* Snapshots by Bob Hsiao :: MetaFilter Meetup: San Francisco 07/07/05 :: 14_GFabulous shot of Heather and Derek.(tags: powazek
links for 2005-07-09
* Merlin on Flickr - Photo Sharing!One fine image of that man's mug(tags: merlinmann 43f flickr)
links for 2005-07-07
* Gmaps Pedometercoolest thing ever. I'll be mapping my runs and rides with this.(tags: googlemaps maphacks cycling running
New store CSS updates
Today I launched a new store and donation page for Creative Commons and while we're always looking to
How not to treat your avid readers
(Stupid Flash Ads, originally uploaded by plemeljr)
I've been seeing more of these things as well, even in
links for 2005-07-05
* Wood Ipod - a photoset on Flickrholy cow.(tags: ipod woodworking diy hacks)
* Telegraph | News | Surfers search for wave that
I do declare
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have