by Matt Haughey on Oct 31 links for 2006-11-01 * Jalopnik, Cars... Just Becausebadass '66 Citeron(tags: cars jalopnik sema) * IDEA Conference Blog » Audio and some slidessweet, can& #links Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Oct 30 Crap I love: Zombie Pumpkins I've never used stencils to create a design on a pumpkin before, but after I watched a friend #crap i love #halloween Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Oct 30 links for 2006-10-31 * Scarecrow Water Spraying Animal Repellerso this is how I could finally thwart the deer (without harming them)(tags: gardening) * Milky #links Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Oct 29 links for 2006-10-30 * BRIGHTHANDLEhandle glows red when locked, green when unlocked, perfect for shared bathrooms(tags: clever design home) * Flickr: The Pisa pushers #links Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Oct 28 Rocketman .flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #666; } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 10px; margin-top: 0px;color:#999; } Rocketman, originally uploaded #Uncategorized Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Oct 28 links for 2006-10-29 * Flickr: Just Peachy!'s photos tagged with japanesegardenpersonal todo: go to the portland japanese garden before the leaves are #links Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Oct 27 links for 2006-10-28 * Geek to Live: Consolidate Firefox's chrome - Lifehackerawesome tips from gina.(tags: firefox hacks ui) * Doomed Engineerslots of #links Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Oct 27 T R A G E D Y .flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #666; } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 10px; margin-top: 0px;color:#999; } T R A #Uncategorized Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Oct 26 links for 2006-10-27 * Michael J Fox and IraqSpot-on analysis of why people say ridiculous things for political gain(tags: politics bush #links Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Oct 26 Vox is a Go! Vox launched today and I can't say enough good things about it. Just try it out and see #blogging #vox Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Oct 25 Brilliant, clever hack for apartment dwellers .flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #666; } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 10px; margin-top: 0px;color:#999; } I always miss #clever #design #flickr Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Oct 25 Noe Valley .flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #666; } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 10px; margin-top: 0px;color:#999; } Noe Valley, originally #comedy #flickr #photos Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Oct 25 links for 2006-10-26 * Black Box NationDiana from Project Runway season 2's web store(tags: design fashion geek shopping) * Images: The worst #links Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Oct 24 links for 2006-10-25 * outside.inSBJ's new community mapping site(tags: google mapping mashup geocoding) * instructables : Shuffle HeadphonesFor my helmet mount shuffle #links Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Oct 23 links for 2006-10-24 * Google Trends: blog, jesus2006, the year blogs became bigger than jesus (via kottke)(tags: wtf blogs bloggingmilestone google thejesus) * Decisive #links Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Oct 23 I've been playing with for a few minutes (here is the Portland feed), and my first #internet #metafilter Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Oct 20 So you just got a Blackberry Pearl and you have a mac... I unpacked my new Blackberry Pearl a few hours ago and after running all over the web trying to solve #blackberry #bluetooth #mac Continue Reading
by Matt Haughey on Oct 20 links for 2006-10-21 * : journal : VTIFF 06jessamyn goes to the Vermont Film Festival. Lots of stuff to look for on Netflix someday. #links Continue Reading