Flickr "detail" sets

I've been using flickr on a daily basis for over two years. Today I followed a link from someone's blog and landed on a page I've never seen before, and it rocked. It's simple, but I didn't have any idea it existed. It's the "detail view" of photosets, which is so much more useful for getting the gist of a gallery that I wonder why it's not the default view.

Don't know what I'm talking about? Check this out: Early this past spring I built a deck, and I made a gallery about that, so compare:

Holy cow, I built a deck! - a photoset on Flickr (default)

Holy cow, I built a deck! - a photoset on Flickr (detail)

See how much easier the detail view is? No more squinting at little thumbnails, you can instantly scan everything in a set without having to click on anything. Just add "/detail/" to your flickr set links when sharing a gallery. Your readers will thank you.