Build a Slow TV OSX screensaver in 2min

Download the screensaver zip file here on github.

Build a Slow TV OSX screensaver in 2min
My desk, this morning, running a Norwegian train trip video at the XOXO Outpost
  1. Download the screensaver zip file here on github.
  2. Double-click to install.
  3. Go to Desktop & Screensaver in System Preferences, click the Screen Saver Options button.
  4. Click the default URL once, then again to edit it (it’s a little buggy). Make the display time match your screensaver settings (mine is one hour or 3600 in the field).
  5. Paste in as the URL, which auto starts video, hides the UI controls, and hides annotations.
  6. Enjoy!
  7. (options for later) swap in a new YouTube Slow TV URL by editing the hash in the URL to a different video, or add a timestamp URL argument to jump further into the video, or stack up a bunch of different videos for just a few minutes each, etc.