1 min read

Today, while leaving the theater

Today, while leaving the theater (saw Iron Monkey, it was like Crouching Tiger, except free of those annoying details like plot or love interests), I noticed a poster for Shallow Hal. Now, the thing is it looked like I had seen the poster before. I figured out what the resemblence was, and it was the fonts used in the title. Hollywood has been producing a screwball comedy about once every 3 months for the last few years, and they often carry fat, sans-serify fonts with mild outlines. I've created the ultimate movie poster title here:

this movie is going to be side-splitting funny!

If you don't believe my trend-spotting, here's a quick sampling of recent wacky movies with similar poster font choices: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.

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