1 min read

The efficiency of markets

1). I've been meaning to pick up a copy of Blink ever since it came out, because I'm a big fan of Malcolm Gladwell's writing. But then I thought...

2). Ever since I heard him talk about his work, I would prefer hearing the new book rather than reading it, so I...

3) Searched and searched for a paid, downloadable audio version. Surprisingly, there was none to be found on iTunes or Audible for this best selling author, so I eventually...

4). Broke down and purchased the unabridged CD set for about $10 more than the book, and I had to wait several days for it to show up via UPS, and now...

5). I am importing the tracks into iTunes, one CD at a time, with barely any metadata since CDDB knows little about the discs. The process has taken me about 90 minutes to get through, loading and ejecting discs one by one, while I work on other things.

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