1 min read

The best cereal on earth

After hearing about Cereality, the cereal bar, it reminded me about my current favorite cereal on earth.

The best kind of cereals are the hippie sugar varieties. Go to a natural food store of a substantial size, and they're certain to have sugary stuff for kids beyond the granola crap for new age adults. And therein lies the magic: pure sugar and molasses.

I pound a couple bowls of Peanut Butter Bumpers each morning, a peanut butter cap'n crunch clone -- but it only has eight ingredients, and it's all simple stuff. Like corn and liquid sugar, no coloring or preservatives or shit. It's basically what I imagine cereal was like in the 50s, before all the fake crap slipped in: mostly sugar.

It tastes ten times better than cap'n crunch to me.

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