The annual visit to the Woodburn Tulip Farm
Every year around late March/early April I check out the Woodburn Tulip Farm website to see what their field report is looking like. For the past few weeks I've been obsessively watching cherry blossoms on trees instead and totally forgot about the tulip farm until I saw a friend's posts on Instagram with what looked like peak blooms already (a couple weeks early compared to other years).
So I bought a ticket for the next day (today) and met up with pb at 9am to get some shots. I've done the sunrise option before and there is great light and special photos to be had from 6-7am but then the light is too low in the sky until about 9am when you start getting some better brightness and shadows. So today I just went a little later to grab some quick shots with my phone. Spent an hour enjoying the plethora of color. Here are some of my favorites.
To be honest, it's a bargain at $15 a ticket online (includes parking) and it's only about an hour away from most major cities near Portland. I've gone almost every Spring for the past 15+ years and it's not easy to catch the luck of peak blooms on a sunny day (usually it's cloudy, raining, and/or windy) but this year I lucked out with a final sunny day before some predicted snowstorms for the rest of the week.
💐🌷💐🌷💐🌷Huzzah! 💐🌷💐🌷💐🌷