links for 2006-03-29
- EarthTools: WebservicesOh man, I should totally do timezones via lat/lon on metafilter.(tags: coding metafilter api geotools)
- Gearlog : Mac Os X 10.5 Likely To Have Virtualization, Windows SupportI would buy a new intel desktop (if they released it) today if 10.5 supports running WinXP in a virtual window (for testing and IE-only web crap)(tags: osx rumorsontheinternets mac intel emulation)
- Up With Grups - The Ascendant Breed of Grown-Ups Who Are Redefining Adulthood -- New York MagazineI've been trying to name the trend of all my 30 year old friends that are married, still play xbox and indie rock, and either have children or are working on it. We're apparently all Grups.(tags: culture urban adulthoodisoverrated parenting)
- The Aural Times - We Sing the News So You Don't Have ToThis is great. My favorite is about Sean Connery's surgery(tags: music comedy blogs)
- delicious:daysThis is the best looking food blog I've ever seen(tags: food blogs design css photography)
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