links for 2006-03-21
- » Blog Archive » MediaWiki on a USB-StickA portable wiki. Cool.(tags: wiki mediawiki usb hacks)
- Rebecca Blood :: The real threat of blogging"Blogs are threatening to a certain type of writer not because they allow mediocre writing to flourish — the commercial market already does that. They are threatening because they unequivocally demonstrate that commercial publishing does not necessarily(tags: blogs media)
- Make You Go Hmm: » RSS Feed cleanup part deux, 250 feeds targetAnother happy reblog user, pounding through thousands of items, saving 10%, and blogging about a tiny fraction of that. Nice workflow.(tags: rss reblog)
- vipp for babiesNow that Fiona is creating adult poo, it might be time for something more serious to contain her diapers(tags: design baby vipp)
- Lost Widget - Dashboard - GamesThis is soooo installed.(tags: lost osx dashboard comedy)
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