links for 2005-12-08
- Consumating: Hot nerdy girls and indie rock boys! With glasses!cnet buys the tag-based dating site consumating!(tags: bubble2.0 web2.0 benbrown consumating dating)
- Nelson's Weblog: tech / bad / notYourComputerYou'd think the box sitting in your house that you paid money for would be yours to do with what you please. Apparently not, thanks to "trusted computing"(tags: drm badcode microsoft intel xbox)
- NPR : Bluster and Satire: Stephen Colbert's 'Report'Colbert again on Fresh Air, getting all meta about the Colbert Report. Amusing.(tags: npr radio dailyshow freshair comedy)
- On Christmas trees | By Umbra Fisk | Grist Magazine | Ask Umbra | 08 Dec 2004Which is environmentally friendlier for xmas? Killing a real pine tree or buying a fake one?(tags: environment shopping xmas)
- 7.5 Foot Noble Fir Full Tree from Christmas Tree for MeA non-PVC fake xmas tree(tags: xmas shopping environment)
- The City Gardener : Shows : Home & Garden TelevisionMy current favorite DIY show on TV.(tags: gardening tvworthwatching tvshows)
- Seven Questions with Michael Cronan, designer and creator of the name "TiVo" and the mascot | PVRblogTiVo started as a smart home concept! And they whittled down 1600 names to arrive at "TiVo"(tags: tivo pvrblog interviews)
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