links for 2005-09-01
- codefetch{awesome new service that searches all code samples from books on programming languages.(tags: coldfusion programming search)
- Decisive Moments: A two of a kindCompetitive poker and competitive cycling: many similarities
- QDN: Holy lack of empathy, Globat!That's some compassionate salesfolks you got there at Globat.(tags: wtf webhosting evil)
- rebecca blood :: bloggers on blogging :: heather armstrong (dooce), august 2005The dooce interview
- Beautiful Silk Plants by Template TitleSomeone forgot to enter their TEMPLATE TITLE into their spamblog software(tags: nofollow blogspot spamblogs)
- Welcome to truedoc.comRemember embedded fonts in Netscape 4? Well, they're going away forever next week.(tags: fonts webdev netscape)
- | towards a global network of movements against bordersglobalization through the use of border:none;(tags: globalization racism nationalism)
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