links for 2005-07-21
- Ajax May Undermine Web Advertising, Analytics Models · MarketingVOXOh Noes!!!1!!!! Ad impressions my not be calculated properly on a ajax page!(tags: marketing bfd ajax)
- Ripples Iroco Basin | Uncratefreaking goregous(tags: modern design bathroom wishlist)
- - Everything Alternative!40+ mashups from a radio station site. This can't possibly be legal, but hey! free music! mashups galore!(tags: music remix mashup)
- NPR : Steven Johnson: Grand Theft Auto Is Good for YouAll hail hypno-SBJ(tags: gaming npr to_listen)
- Han Q Duong :: San Diego Comic Con 2005 :: IMG_0079Now, THAT'S a star wars dork committing to a role(tags: starwars comiccon nerds)
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