links for 2005-06-22
- bloggingsecrets.infoNot a single word on this blog was written by the domain owner. It uses an automated program to skim RSS and repost, which then gets covered in ads.(tags: seocrap searchgaming adsensehacking)
- Boeing NW Retail Sales Homepagegeeky fun around seattle(tags: to_visit to_shop surplusstore)
- NEWBERG Movies - 99W Drive-In, Twin Cinemas, Cameo TheatreOne of the last working drive-ins, outside of Portland, OR. Open for 52 years, this might be a great way to see a movie with a baby.(tags: movies nostalgia driveins oregon)
- Foxit PDF Reader - Reviews and free downloads at Download.comAfter finding acroread.exe pegging my processor for the umpteenth time, I uninstalled adobe's reader and got foxit, which is super fast and just plain works. Like Apple's Preview, but on Windows.(tags: utilities pdf)
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