links for 2005-05-21
- Virtual Turntable: Mixters Signed to TV DealRepeat after me: giving your music away is good for your career.(tags: creativecommons music remix)
- Archived Weblog Entry - 02/03/2005: Behavioural conditioningpotty training for infants, sounds crazy but apparently works(tags: baby)
- Cool Hunting: Nike iD Blogger ContestInteresting approach for Nike to take(tags: blogs nike contest)
- vi reference mug : - cheat sheets for geeks! : Geek : Marketplace : CafePress.comomg I totally need this(tags: wishlist cafepress unix geek)
- Skittle Brau, Beer with candy in it. : CafePress.comawesome(tags: simpsons comedy tshirts)
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