links for 2005-04-28
- Baby Bargains BlogThe best book on baby stuff gets a blog. They should be perfect for it, the book reads like a blog already.(tags: blogs baby toread)
- DashLog - Freedom to Tinker DashLogEd Felton's new linkblog. Dashlog? Is that a nod to Anil's old daily links?(tags: blogs copyright law technology)
- Baby June - Hospital ChildbirthThe Cockerman birth.(tags: baby cockeyed comedy birthstories)
- Double GuitarAnd you thought the 80s were over...(tags: music metal guitars video)
- ghostbusters/NIN mashupthanks to the recent release of a garageband version of the NIN song.(tags: via:lifehacker music mashups copyright)
- Bicycle Man Recumbent HistoryWhoa, I had no idea these things have been around so long, or banned from competitive cycling(tags: bikes recumbents mattsrecumbentbike)
- Bud vase features - Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals)The "bud vase" feature of my new car was that you can hook an iPod to it with a single wire. Totally got me in the door and thinking about buying one at first.(tags: design play applications features)
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