links for 2005-04-13
- Carat Starts Blog InitiativeIf you're TiVo, you pay Carat to learn how to talk to me, or y'know, just call me up and save your money.(tags: blogs marketing blogbuzz)
- Home | Round TwoA firefox extension company?(tags: firefox mozilla startups)
- bling it onThe "bedazzler" grew up into this.(tags: blingbling silly)
- Getting Fired for Sharing the Public DomainCrazy story of a radio host losing his job after replaying some CSPAN cuts that were legal anyway.(tags: copyright whenlawyersattack radio)
- 6040 House by Northern Steel International and LamiDesignIt's boxy, but you can't beat a 3,000 sq ft home for less than $200k.(tags: architecture modernhomes prefab)
- SSRN-Initial Reflections on the Law and Economics of Blogging by Larry RibsteinOn blogs, economics, and the law(tags: toread law blogs economics)
- Mike Davidson: iPod Giveaway #1: Make a Meatspace Shufflegoat butter shuffle. awesome.(tags: shuffle art ipod)
- eBay - Eastern, Airlines, Aviation, Transportation items at low pricesebay has an entire category for Eastern Airlines, dead for 15 years now. Some freaky stuff is still available (outfits, silverware, etc).(tags: ebay deadairlines collectibles)
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