links for 2005-01-18
- Rain-X windshield fluidRain X is the best thing since sliced bread in the Pacific Northwest, but applying it monthly is a chore. This makes it automatic everytime you clean the window.(categories: productsilove rainx clever)
- Ripshark - CD to MP3 made easy.Great new CD-ripping service from Adam Sellke of Wish I lived in MN so I could get my discs ripped via hand delivery.(categories: blogs audio cdripping)
- Restoring The Balance reBlogGeorge's reblog of a dozen copyright blogs(categories: copyright iplaw blogs)
- Photos: Untitled (Airbus Industrie) Airbus A380-841That is one big assed plane. Any flight with 800 people can't be fun (must take forever to board, eat, and disembark)(categories: planes photos airlines)
- Our MenuSewdorky's permadonuts make for good cubicle toys or very tiny pillows(categories: wishlist crafts diy)
- - entwined - matthaugheyI (categories: taggging folksonomy crazyoldman)
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