links for 2005-01-11
- All the other crazy shit I saw at CESThe end of my trip reports from Vegas(categories: pvrblog lasvegas ces)
- john vanderslice: mass suicide mp3sHow much would it rock if Vanderslice licensed "Bill Gates Must Die" under a CC license? It would rock a great deal.(categories: wishlist fuckbillgates indierock)
- Flickr: Mushrooms"There's fungi, there's fungus, and now there's mushrooms. Three groups with exactly the same concept and some overlap in the membership."(categories: socialsoftware flickr communityproblems)
- The New York Times > Opinion > For the Record on Social Security"the administration is manipulating information" -- NYT editors(categories: nyt toread socialsecurity)
- The Daily Whim: Pay the Gray LadyPhotodude does the math and shows if the NYT made all their archives free, they could make a lot more money on advertising on thousands of new pages. C'mon NYT, follow his advice and open it up instead of closing it all down.(categories: nyt economics advertising)
- Linksys WRT54G and WRT54GS Hacking - Taking Advantage Of Technologyquick guide to updating(categories: linksys hacking wireless)
- Daring Fireball: The Rumor GameI've got to say he's right about false rumors and how rumor sites don't promote but just capitalize on news. I didn't like the ipod mini unti l held one in my hand (You can't really tell how small they are until you hold one)(categories: apple rumorsontheinternets ipod)
- Mac Rumors: No MacWorld SF Keynote Broadcast?WTF?! This is my annual ritual: watching grainy, pixellated video and listening to Jobs announce stuff in between buffering errors. It just won't be the same if it's not real-time.(categories: macworld apple stevejobs)
- MacCentral: Apple to delay webcast of Jobs keynotekeynote webcast to follow NINE HOURS LATER. Why?(categories: macworld apple stevejobs)
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