links for 2004-11-18
- - newswordphoto needs some help to keep going(categories: donations dropcash photoblog)
- | Amend for Arnold"If we amend the Constitution and elect Arnold Schwarzenegger, I will leave. And I'll go to Austria and do everything I can to ruin that country for revenge."(categories: comedy governator politics)
- The Dead Parrot Society: Boston vs. Nirvana mp3I can't stop listening to this looped track(categories: art malcolmgladwell music sampling)
- [information leafblower]: The Top 40 Bands In America Today - 2004 EditionThis is the first music list I've ever read that overlaps about 90% with my current iTunes highest rated list. I have stuff from almost every band listed and it is indeed superb.(categories: mp3blogs music nerds top2004lists)
- 2005 International CES: RegistrationFree passes for CES, in vegas from Jan 6-9th(categories: conferences gadgets)
- Mark Cuban Fined for Weblog Entry � Business LogsNBA fines Mark Cuban over a throwaway (intelligent) comment. We should call this "getting a cuban"(categories: bloggingmilestone gettingacuban markcuban)
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