links for 2004-11-16
- | Intellectual propertywhat they said(categories: economist freeculture sanepolicy)
- The New Yorker: Something Borrowedgreat malcom gladwell article on IP(categories: freeculture intellectualproperty newyorker)
- New Yorker and Lessig on Flickr - Photo Sharing!whoa, Lessig IMed me just as I was reading about him. Kinda freaky.(categories: freeculture ichat intellectualproperty newyorker)
- Unguarded Moments: Photographs of President ReaganAmazing shots. Also, worth noting the obvious contrasts with that president and the current one.(categories: photography president reagan)
- American Modern FurnitureNice looking Eames knock-offs, at a reasonable prices (and only selling through ebay)(categories: ebay furniture modern)
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