links for 2004-11-05
- 2004 Startech Chrysler 300C Photos - tuningnews.netI'm not really a fan of the overly aggressive lines of the 300Cs, but this is the first cool looking one I've seen(categories: 300c cars design)
- Samsung Develops 35cm-Deep CRTI would buy a 36-40" CRT TV that was super thin way before a plasma or LCD (hopefully it'll be cheaper too)(categories: hometheater tv wishlist)
- Hewn and Hammeredwow, a blog just about mission and craftsman style design(categories: architecture blogs furniture)
- CNN Panoramawow, the election reporting floor at CNN, in the thick of election night.(categories: cnn politics tv)
- Election 2004 ResultsWe're not an Us vs. Them nation, but a 50-50% Us and Them nation. We're more alike than we are different.(categories: bush electoralvotes kerry politics)
- Some assembly required: Customized at the factory, designer modular homes snap together on-siteWoot! The Glide House in the Oregonian. I really want to build a pre-fab modern house in the next couple years.(categories: architecture modern wishlist)
- Mule Design Feed Store | Post-Election 3-packha!(categories: comedy politics tshirts)
- Electablog Election Year in ReviewJeez, now I know why it felt like the Dean Scream was two years ago. It's been a long year.(categories: election politics yearinreview)
- JohnKerryIsADoucheBagButImVotingForHimAnyway.comPost election image: For my dead homie...(categories: comedy kerry politics)
- MoCo Loco: Alta20lbs, concealed cables, and single speed. Ultimate city bike(categories: bicycle cycling wishlist)
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