links for 2004-11-03
- Election Night Drink Specials.comDid you vote? Find a bar in your area that will reward you for it.(categories: bar party politics)
- how to make an "I Voted" stickerheh(categories: comedy kerry politics)
- C-SPAN: 2004 VOTEThis Link Will be Active at 3pm ET on Tuesday, November 2(categories: 2004 cspan election politics vote)
- James Wolcott: Nov 2"I am preparing myself for either outcome today. Should Kerry win, I will post an important statement called "A Time for Healing," or something equally noble-sounding. Should Bush win, I shall post a statement of philosophical resignation tentatively titl(categories: comedy election politics vote)
- Oregon Secretary of State - Elections - Election Night ReportingOfficial Oregon results here, starting at 8PM tonight. God I hope some of my proposition votes go the right way(categories: oregon politics voteresults)
- Comedy Central: Indecision 2004Daily Show writers finally get a blog?(categories: comedy politics)
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