links for 2004-10-30
- How to move SQL Server from one computer to anotherI seem to need this info every 9 months or so(categories: serveradmin sql utilities)
- Bush team talks tough about finding weapons (quicktime mov)this clip from Uncovered is pretty incredible, and something I hadn't seen before(categories: bush internetsvets politics wmd)
- Iron Circus: Official November 2004 National Geographic Appreciation Station.Best. National Geographic. EVAR!(categories: biology creationistwackjobs darwin)
- Folks with Hispanic-sounding last names have votes questioned in Georgia"In fact, many of the people challenged were born U.S. citizens and pointed out that they are never challenged when they come to pay taxes."(categories: politics via-dangerousmeta voterfraud)
- DRM as Business Diagnostic: The Three Laws of DRMBad code obeys all three laws(categories: badcode consumerrights drm)
- No Draft If Bush Reelected Say Al-Queda Officialsheh.(categories: bush comedy draftdodging politics)
- Security hole in GmailShit, this isn't good. I got a gmail password request email last night I didn't ask for.(categories: gmail google security via-dangerousmeta)
- V-O-T-EDo it for Walter, just this once.(categories: 2004 election politics vote)
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