links for 2004-10-21
- The Car Blog: Rants and opinions about the world of automobiles.Amazing looking new blog about cars. For such a popular subject, I'm surprised that a) the denton and calacanis car blogs are boring and b) there isn't an existing 5 year old blog about cars(categories: blogs businessblogs cars)
- Kerry watching the game - Yahoo! News - Top Stories PhotosYou can almost hear a "wicked pissah" and "don't be retaahhhhhded" coming from the room(categories: kerry sox)
- FINELIVING: DwellMy favorite magazine just became my favorite show. 30 minutes of weekly modern architecture porn.(categories: architecture dwell modern)
- Who holds the copyright to the Universe?Great back cover of the Public Library of Science Medical Journal(categories: copyright creativecommons science)
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