links for 2004-10-07
- [rdfweb-dev] PlinkWhoa, one of the only FOAF apps out there being taken down due to the non opt-in nature of FOAF freaking folks out(categories: foaf semanticweb socialsoftware)
- Brad Choate: delicious tip of the daydelicious power feature I didn't know existed: boolean operators in the URL space(categories: bookmarking delicious tips)
- Banana Republic index of "tall" productsMy ape arms are the bane of my fashion existance. BR's size L/Tall stuff is the only vaguely stylish stuff that fits.(categories: clothing metrosexual wishlist)
- TO BE OF YOUR GREAT ASSISTANCE DEAR SIX APARTthis showed up in the Trott's email box. Frankly, it might be a scam(categories: 419 sixapart weblogs)
- the law of averages: Veep-stakes"Gee, we really should recognize their relationships once they hit their death bed." -- spot on analysis of Edwards(categories: asshats edwards gaymarriage politics)
- Skinning Gmail with a Custom Stylesheet []Awesome "CSS zen garden of gmail" hack(categories: css gmail hacks)
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