It's SARSlicious!
A tasty looking beverage: SARSahol
BWG lives in Hong Kong and has lots of first-hand stories of living in SARS central.
Although BWG isn't listed on GeoURL (I happened to remember he lived there and wanted to see how he was coping with it), a great use for it is tracking weblogs around a certain place. If you check out all the blogs near Hong Kong, you can see a variety of people's thoughts on a current event. I'm sure this will be bigger in the future, but whenever anything big happens and it is localized, for the past couple years my first thoughts have been "I wonder if there are any bloggers near that place that posted about it?"
Hopefully as services like GeoURL grow (there are currently zero blogs near Singapore, which was surprising), it can become a valuable resource for finding first-person accounts of major events.
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