I spent the greater part
I spent the greater part of last weekend cranking out the revised and redesigned Blogroots.com site with pb and meg.
I'm really happy at the trackback-powered weblog channel that pb setup. Anyone posting about the subject of weblogs on their site is welcome to send a ping to our site, which will point back. If you're using movabletype, you simply need to use our trackback URL, or better yet, setup a weblogs category for your posts and associate our ping URL with that subject. Whenever you post to that category, it'll show up on Blogroots (full how-to here). If you don't use movabletype, there's a way to do the same thing by hand here.
We also added a new chapter from the book, and beefed up our resources area significantly. You can now post reviews of tools and suggest new listings. We created a robust essay system so we can publish essays as well. We wanted to build a powerful, useful resource site for the weblog world, and I think we've come close to finally achieving that.
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