1 min read

Birbs are real

Way back in the pre-pandemic times, I backed a Kickstarter project for a very good idea: Bird Buddy.

It's a bird feeder but also has a camera that takes photos and lets you stream live video, plus WiFi, and a battery. Mine finally shipped and showed up, so I set it up down the hill from my house where birds would hopefully be more comfortable away from people.

Now that I've had it for a month or so, I will say birds are using it much less than I thought they would, but I think that's due to location and I may move it closer to our garden where birds are more abundant.

What is the greatest is when you unlock your phone and see a notification that a new bird visited, and after launching the app it will show you new photos as a gift you have to tap to open, then it uses AI to identify the kind of bird that visited your feeder.

I kind of love this product more than I even thought I would. It's really fun to get photos of new bird species from your yard.

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